Our monthly suggestion of daily actions to help improve your happiness. Provided kindlkly by the Action for Happiness People. With 281,000 sunscribers in 190 countries, theer has to be something in it! Friendly February Daily Actions is all about connecting with others. A focus on being a good friend that helps them but also makes you feel better. Doing things without expecting anything back is agreat boost tro our happy hormones.
Little Incremental Changes
It doesn’t need to involve a dramatic change in outlook or your actions. In fact reinforcoing change often comes better through little frequent chages. As the changes are small, they are easier to incorporate into your daily habits. Eventually they will build up to something larger. In short it creates the NEW YOU.
Friendly February Daily Actions – Big Reminder
Not that you would but don’t forget February 14th is the ideal date to do this. Help somebody special and a local or town centre independent shop. Instead of picking up your Val;lentines gifts from the big supermarkets, why not have a look at the indepemndent shops in town and locally. Search them out on Google or try some of these;
Terrys Cards – Wigan Makinson Arcade and Online
Love It Gallery at the Bag and Bean Winstanley
Take your partner out for a meal, drinl or cafe at a local independent restaurant or bar. Hey it is also closer to getting home.
Real Ale Revolution 1 – Fine wines, Gins, Vodkas, Whiskys, Craft Ales and Ciders
Wayfarers Restaurant and Country Pub Parbold
Prfere stayinng in? Why not order some delicious cakes as an after meal treat with a cheeky frink;
Chelby’s Kitchen – cakes, chocolate bombs, scones and treats