Christmas last post dates for 2020 are as follows;
2nd Class Mail – Friday 18th December
1st Cass Mail – Monday 21st December

Winstanley Post Office Opening Times
Monday to Friday – 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
Saturday – 9:00 am to 12:30 pm
Sunday – Closed
Please be aware there can often be queues at the post office due to the volume of customers.
Please pay for any stationary hat you purchase in the shop at the newsagents counter first.
First class and second class stamps for standard letters can be purchased from the newsagent’s counter (subject to availability as demand is high and unpredictable). However, don’t forget that parcels and letters are charged for based on weight and dimensions.
Covid-19 Restrictions & Christmas Last Post Dates
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, only the 2 main post office counters are in operation. The newsagent post office counter is not operational.
The number of people allowed to queue inside the shop is restricted for the protection of both post office and newsagent customers. You may have to queue outside, so please wrap up warm!
The staff are working flat out to keep any queuing to a minimum. Please be patient, after all it is the season of goodwill!
Best wishes to one and all from #winstanleywo.