So our post office and the shop that it is in, McColl’s Newsagents will close for good in January 2021.
At first the newsagent and post office were put up for sale as is, but unfortunately a buyer has yet to come forward.
What does this mean to residents of Winstanley and nearby? Well the liss of local post office services and newspapers deliveries. The nearest post office would then be Clapgate Lane. Quite a trek without a car for many.
Why is Winstanley post office closing?
Certainly not from a lack of custom. The number of newspaper delivery rounds have increased considerably, co ering those from the closed shops at Enfield St and Jacks. The post office is always busy for mail, parcels, banking \ finance , cash withdrawals even with 2 serving. Both the post office and newsagents also provide a wide range of paypoint services including electricity and gas, bills ( Council tax, tv licence etc), phone top ups, travel cards, e-money etc
While clearly not all the grocery items are supermarket prices, there are many rotating price offers on soft drinks, sweets and crisps. Also there is many a good deal to be had on mark down items. While not as great a range as Bargain Booze, there are some rotating price deals on wines, craft beers, ciders that are competitive.
It would be fair to say that the co-op selling newspapers and lottery, Bargain Booze selling lottery have impacted sales at McColls. Also the fact that the Co-op and Bargain Booze front doors are closer to the car park hasn’t helped.
The bottom line is thag head office strategy has resulted in McColls serving notice on running post office and the parallel closing of the newsagent.
What Happens Next?

Well, unless a buyer to operate the business as is or similar to it will mean a new shop. Worse we could have an empty shop unit until a new shop or service starts.
Can we stop winstanley post office and newsagent closing for good? #winstanleywo had wondered if there is an appetite to petition McColls? We would be delighted to give this a go, although we cannot predict the outcome. We would imagine that we would need to get cracking on this as soon as possible.
Alternatively, do you have a suggestion for a local service you’d like to have on our doorstep? Perhaps a smart coffee shop, butchers, fruit and veg? Perhaps you have a business idea of your own? If so get in touch with the landlord or we can do that for you.
A petition to keep the Post Office and Newsagents
Are you are interested in signing, helping or have any ideas? If so, leave a comment at the bottom of this article. Alternatively add a comment on the Facebook page or emails us.
Got an Idea for a Business or Service if we cannot keep the Post Office and Newsagents Open?
Any thoughts for a new shop or business if we cannot save the Post Office? If so, leave a suggestion at the bottom of this article. Alternatively add a comment on the Facebook page or emails us.
Please keep our post office open. We need it.
Dear Mary,
Lovely to see your support.
So good to hear your reaction. We will arrange to get physical signatures from the start of next week. We are looking at options to provide this online or by a door to door visit. Obviously this will need to take into consideration Covid-19 cautions too. If it is okay we will give you a shout on Monday. We are also open to suggestions if there is anything that makes it easier for people.
Hopefully we can count on your signature?
Please feel free to suggest any other thoughts you may get too. Many thanks for your support.
I would sign a petition to keep the post office and newsagent open, where can I find it
Dear Catherine,
So good to hear your reaction. We will arrange to get physical signatures from the start of next week. We are looking at options to provide this online or by a door to door visit. Obviously this will need to take into consideration Covid-19 cautions too. If it is okay we will give you a shout on Monday. We are also open to suggestions if there is anything that makes it easier for people.
Please feel free to suggest any other thoughts you may get too. Many thanks for your support.
I would like to sign a petition to keep the Post office open.
Hi Susan,
Many thanks for your support. We have submitted a lengthy petition and unfortunately it was to no avail. The closure is part of a much larger number of stores that the head office are shutting down. We understand that there is a move to try and resurrect the newsagents in a new and exciting format retaining a number of popular service such as the newspapers but also a range of new services that would provide a welcome enhancement to the range of services available to locals and passing trade at Winstanley precinct. Please watch this space for further updates. Thank you so much for YOUR support.
Would like to sign petition please
Dear Helen,
So good to hear your reaction. We will arrange to get physical signatures from the start of next week. We are looking at options to provide this online or by a door to door visit. Obviously this will need to take into consideration Covid-19 cautions too. If it is okay we will give you a shout on Monday. We are also open to suggestions if there is anything that makes it easier for people.
Please feel free to suggest any other thoughts you may get too. Many thanks for your support.
We need the post office. A lot of people cant drive and rely on it to pay their bills and withdraw money, as well as other services. We lost our dry cleaners, which was very popular. All that will be left if services keep closing will be fast food shops and bars We dont need anymore of these.
Hi Evonne,
We couldn’t agree more and lovely to see how strongly you feel about it.
So good to hear your reaction. We will arrange to get physical signatures from the start of next week. We are looking at options to provide this online or by a door to door visit. Obviously this will need to take into consideration Covid-19 cautions too. If it is okay we will give you a shout on Monday. We are also open to suggestions if there is anything that makes it easier for people.
Hopefully we can count on your signature?
Please feel free to suggest any other thoughts you may get too. Many thanks for your support.
I will sign a petition to save the post office & news agents. We can’t afford to lose either
Hi Caroline,
So good to hear your reaction. We will arrange to get physical signatures from the start of next week. We are looking at options to provide this online or by a door to door visit. Obviously this will need to take into consideration Covid-19 cautions too. If it is okay we will give you a shout on Monday. We are also open to suggestions if there is anything that makes it easier for people.
Please feel free to suggest any other thoughts you may get too. Many thanks for your support.
Please save the post ffice
Hi Debra,
So good to hear your reaction. We will arrange to get physical signatures from the start of next week. We are looking at options to provide this online or by a door to door visit. Obviously this will need to take into consideration Covid-19 cautions too. If it is okay we will give you a shout on Monday. We are also open to suggestions if there is anything that makes it easier for people.
Please feel free to suggest any other thoughts you may get too. Many thanks for your support.
I would like to see a Tea/Shop/Coffee shop. I think there is a market for it.
Good afternoon Maureen,
Thanks for your ideas. If we cannot save the post office, then they sound like great options to us. We have some thoughts on how we could go about being proactive in attracting business and more than happy if anybody else can contribute too. Hopefully we can get the post office saved first though.
Could we count on you for the petition that will be created next week?
Many thanks #winstanleywo
Barista style coffee shop with a link to local business or man cave style barbers
Afternoon Lee,
Thanks for your ideas. If we cannot save the post office, then they sound like great options to us. We have some thoughts on how we could go about being proactive in attracting business and more than happy if anybody else can contribute too. Hopefully we can get the post office saved first though.
Could we count on you for the petition that will be created next week?
Many thanks #winstanleywo
A good butcher would be very welcome, no comments on supermarkets fare needed!
Let us have a quality butcher.
Hi Eddie,
Thanks for your comment. If we cannot save the post office, then this sounds like a great option to us. A local business and quality food. We have some thoughts on how we could go about being proactive in attracting business and more than happy if anybody else can contribute too. Hopefully we can get the post office saved first though.
Could we count on you for the petition that will be created next week?
Many thanks #winstanleywo
I want to add my name to the petition, where can I find it?
Are the local MP and councillors involved or backing this?
Are there any plans to gather physical signatures or leaflet drop of the local area?
Afternoon Paulette,
So good to hear your reaction. We will arrange to get physical signatures from the start of next week. We are looking at options to provide this online or by a door to door visit. Obviously this will need to take into consideration Covid-19 cautions too. If it is okay we will give you a shout on Monday. We are also open to suggestions if there is anything that makes it easier for people.
Local councillor and MP involvement has to be a great idea too and we will contact them and update what responses we get.
Please feel free to suggest any other thoughts you may get too. Many thanks for your support.
It’s always busy when I go in, how can they even think about closing a local, well used, well needed facility? It’s also within walking distance for a huge number of people.
Hi Deb,
Thank you so much for your kind message. We will be putting out an on-line petition this weekend as well as a paper based one that will be available via the shop.
We will update everybody as soon as they are available. You make some great points that we will ensure are covered in the case we put to McColl’s too.
Kind regards,
Yes, I would like to sign the petition.
Hi Philippa,
Thank you so much for your support. We will be putting out an on-line petition this weekend as well as a paper based one that will be available via the shop.
We will update everybody as soon as they are available. You make some great points that we will ensure are covered in the case we put to McColl’s too.
Kind regards,
I will happily sign a petition to save the Post Office/Newsagent. I think there is great need for it. This housing estate is now huge, and a lot of people rely on the Post Office and the Newsagent. More people are working from home, and use the Post Office for their mail and parcel deliveries / returns.
Afternoon Barbara,
Thank you so much for your invaluable support. We will be putting out an on-line petition this weekend as well as a paper based one that will be available via the shop.
We will update everybody as soon as they are available. You make some great points that we will ensure are covered in the case we put to McColl’s too.
Kind regards,
I would definitely like to sign a petition to keep the post office open and hopefully the newsagent open too. We rely on both for all their services and especially the newspaper deliveries to my elderly mother in law as her nearest newsagent and newspaper deliveries used to be in Enfield street until they closed down years ago, meaning she now relies on delivery from McColls. It’s going to be difficult to find somewhere else who delivers to her address and her daily newspaper is one of her few pleasures as she doesn’t get out much due to her age and I’m sure there are a lot more people who rely on their newspapers being delivered. We also find the post office very convenient to where we live too, it would be sad to see both these close down.
Hi Lynne,
Thank you so much for your kind message. We will be putting out an on-line petition this weekend as well as a paper based one that will be available via the shop.
We will update everybody as soon as they are available. You make some great points that we will ensure are covered in the case we put to McColl’s too.
Kind regards,
We need both a newsagent AND a post office in Winstanley.
If there is a petition doing the rounds you can count on my signature.
Man thanks for your support. Added your name David.
Been in today to learn it will close on the 15th of January 2021, and an end to decades of that shop being as it is, as a child My mother would cash the ‘family allowance’, child benefit as it is now and cross over to buy cigarettes! It’s a real shame, it always used to have two doors at the front so here is wish list idea, Post office left where it is, MUCH needed! A partition wall and a really top quality delicatessen, not a fancy sandwich shop that sells pies! A real delicatessen, that would work very well, if I win the lottery I will do it and prove Myself right!
What a great addition that would be too.
Unfortunately the Post Office is run under contract from the Post Office by McColl’s and staff off both are employed by McColl’s. For those reasons you cannot split them and get just the post office to remain.
One recommendation we have proposed to McColl’s was to alter the service provided in the newsagents area by providing goods or items that are not currently available on the precinct. That did cover a range of ideas, continuing newspapers and more importantly home deliveries, tobacco products and a tie up with local producers for delicatessen, organic veg, fruit etc. The latter helping other local companies and providing a healthier option to other outlets on the precinct. It could also be extended to include alcoholic craft beers from a local brewer.
Meanwhile the post office stationary which is very popular could also be widened to suit those working from home and schooling.
Don’t underestimate the popularity of the newsagents for bill payments too as it provides an essential service to those who cannot or do not wish to go further afield as well as those who do not have online access. This includes council tax, utility payments, pay safe cards, mobile top ups, travel cards and others.