Active April for Happiness

Numerous sports and health studies show how your body and our mind work together. Being active can make you happier. Of course it is also good for our physical health too. Activity no matter how small immediately transforms your mood. It can even lift us out of feeling a littleContinue Reading

The Weather This Summer?

Predicting future weather more than 5 days in our country is always a challenge. I suppose for many of us, it is a fact we just accept. Yet this year it seems there is increasing likelihood of people holidaying in the UK. Who knows perhaps you have already decided toContinue Reading

LITTER THROWN FROM CARS ‘KILLING MILLIONS OF ANIMALS’ Bottles act as traps MILLIONS OF voles, shrews and other tiny mammals could be dying each year after becoming trapped inside drinks cans and glass bottles thrown from cars, a study has found. Plastic bottles, which tend to be thrown away withContinue Reading

Mindful March Action Calendar

At last the daylight is lengthening. The weather is getting warmer. Here is the Mindful March Action Calendar suggesting more ways to live in the moment and to look after yourself. It is about stopping living in the past or worrying about the future. Continued thanks from #winstanleywo to someContinue Reading

Friendly February Action Calendar

Do you find dark nights and mornings a drag? Or a lot going on right now? Well here is a bit of fun that will hopefully help. The friendly February action calendar suggest some simple ideas for anybody wanting a quick pick-me-up. Many thanks from #winstanleywo to some good friendsContinue Reading